середа, 3 лютого 2016 р.


You've  got the opportunity to show your talents in a contest 
"THE BEST COMMENT"! Leave your comment (it shouldn't be longer than 40 words) to the  video in English Teachers As  Change Agents Programme and try to become a winner!!!!
Ms Popovych

23 коментарі:

  1. nadia kharchuk3.2.16

    I believe the most important thing is tolerance.Tolerance is communication.Communication is English. So you're absolutely right.
    Alex, 7B

  2. Анонім4.2.16

    In my opinion Ukraine is to be a member of the world mankind I can't be imigined without good English . So I wish all my teachers good luck, because it's a hard job!
    You're the champions !!!

  3. Анонім9.2.16

    To my mind,everyone of us must speak English, because we are the part of these world,so we must understand people from different countries... English - international language, but not everyone can communicate English. This is a problem, and English teachers can easily help us to solve these drawback. Yaryna,10B

  4. Анонім10.2.16

    We all know that over the years English has become the most popular and spread language in the world.So practically all people around the world speak English. Ukraine is no exception.People have to understand that this language will save them in various situations in different countries. I believe that people in our country will learn English better to take the level of other countries.
    Ira 10A

  5. Анонім10.2.16

    The teacher of English is the agent of changes; is the best definition of nowdays,  that is because teachers teach us how to live in the world. Teachers of English teach us to be open to the world, because knowing an international language, we can communicate with foreign friends and travel around the world and understand the the style of their life and how to improve our life
    Nadya, 10B

  6. That you, my darling! I am looking forward for more opinions

  7. Life is not about finding yourself. It is about creating!
    Everything I can write is that fact, that being a teacher of English is one of the most significaly factor to form our ow opinious. It goes without saying, that teachers have the great influence on everyone of us.
    English language is one of the most important in this beautiful world.
    Summing everything up,we should be thankful to our teachers for everything, they have done.

  8. Анонім10.2.16

    Everyone, of course, has long been known that the English language can be useful in life.
    more than half a billion people speak is English, and the same study it.
    You will now always can talk with interesting people on very diverse topics in English, besides you can always go overseas tourist.
    So, I think that if anyone still doubted, it is now just begin to learn the language of international communication - English.
    Nastya V.10A

  9. Анонім10.2.16

    I think that is all people need to know English because it is the internIt is very interesting, it can communicate with foreigners in another country only if you do not know where their national language or it yours.ational language.Тhis language are studying in schools everywhere to-
    is the best way.So this language must know every person.
    Yana 10A

  10. Анонім10.2.16

    Yeah, it's really so necessary to know such popular, international language..
    We need it in order to communicate easily with other people, in different situations, cause everything might happen.
    That's why, everyone of us must have even basic English knowledge.
    Roman. 10-a.

  11. As we know,English is one of the most spoken foreign language in he world. It is also an international language.
    Knowledge of English will help you understand people from other countries and communicate wgerondifith them.English will make your life easier. That's why it is very necessary for us to learn English.

  12. Анонім10.2.16

    As we know English is one of the most popular language in the world.Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. The English language is a wonderful language.
    Vika 10-A

  13. Анонім10.2.16

    We all know that English is one of the most popular language.We should not forget about other languages ​​such as Spanish (which become popular ) , German and others.We,Ukrainians must improve and enrich our melodious Ukraine language and then it will be one of the most used languages in the world!
    Vitalik O. 10-A

    1. Vitalik ,you're absolutely right. I'm glad you understand the necessity to be bilingual, it's rather important.Thanks a lot

  14. My friends,classmates really write true things.English become one of the most popular language in the world.We can use this language in other countries,cities .We use it in speaking with unknown people ,in medicine,technologies,gadjets,and etc.
    Knowledge of other languages ,for exaple - English , improve ourselves our outlooks.
    I think, in the next 101 years 95% of people will speak English.
    That's why power of Ukraine must pay attention for learning English more than is previous years.

    1. Sasha, let's make it the following way: In a year 100 per cent people will be able to speak English and to change this society.Thank you, you comment is really cute.

  15. Анонім10.2.16

    From my point of view ,we live to develop our knowledge. English language is a treasure, that we hold in our hands. All teachers play an important role in this world, because they try to help us, they believe in us and just support us! So, their work MUSTN'T BE FORGOTTEN!
    It seems essential to emphasize,that English language is a way to perfection. Everyone must bear in mind, that we learn for ourselves and English can easily create our future!

  16. English–is an international language. Everyone knows that it will be the most important and even compulsory. Learning foreign languages we develop our mind and our imagination about that country its culture and traditions. That's why we have to learn them. Learning English we can easily communicate with foreign people.
    Summing it up, l can say that teacher is the agent of changes,such as they do all the best to make our world better,to increase our mind and develop our imagination,we mustn't forger about their hard work.
    Lilya 10a

  17. This topic was,is and always will be relevant."Learning gives creativity,creativity led to thinking,thinking provides knowledge,knowledge make you a great person".It is important to say , that English teachers are great people , who change and help to improve not only us but the whole world for the better.The teacher is the agent of changes - a majestic person.Learning a new language opens new doors to people and ideas we’ve never cosidered.And thanks to the teachers , we can open these doors.

  18. Анонім10.2.16

    As we all now English is one of the most popular language in our world. I think that if we learn English we'll get a lot of opportunities in our future life. that's why we all have to study it and in future we'll get everything we want.
    Yura Heiko 10-a

  19. Анонім11.2.16

    I don't think it'll be much exagerration to say that our teachers will do their best.I'm proud the teachers of my school were the only chosen to participate in this important problem. Good luck!
    Ira, 11B

  20. All of us expect changes for the better. Change is attempt to turn the wheel of history to Europe, so that our people could touch the origins of democracy, justice, law. English teachers is that thread which connects us with the Europeans. Thanks to them, we are introduced to their culture and traditions, mentality. They are agents of change who are trying to change our younger generation, to teach us how to live with integrity and to build a European state on both sides of the Dnieper. The changes are steps to a better European future.
